

  • Product Details
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Karuun® is a circular material that uses the power of the rattan tree to create a viable alternative to plastic and timber. 

Rattan —one of the most robust, flexible and fastest growing trees in the world— is a type of climbing tree native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia. It is distinguished by its capillary structure, characterised by technical robustness, flexibility and lightness.

Karuun® utilises the capillaries by filling them with specialist bulking agents. That helps to create a surface or board material for manufacturing. It can be processed creatively and shaped effortlessly. The final product is a combination of:

  • 97.5% rattan
  • 2% PVAc (white glue)
  • 0.3% acrylic-based binder
  • 0.2% colour pigments

Materials with distinct properties and wide-ranging applications can be produced depending on the cut direction (vertical or horizontal).

Karuun® is suited for high-end applications since it is a prefabricated, dry, solid material that doesn’t splinter or have any knots or uneven growth.

Production Process

The processing technology takes advantage of rattan’s vascular bundles, making it possible to produce high-performance products with little human interference. Here’s how:

  • Rattan stems are harvested with a machete.The harvesting of rattan does not require deforestation, significant processing, or specialized equipment, so it has a less adverse impact on the forests.
  • During the first two to three metres of growth, the stems do not harden up, but they can be cooked and eaten.
  • A rattan stem is wound around a small tree trunk and pulled to remove debris, leaving a clean stem behind.
  • Then it is cut into sections about three metres in length, bundled up and transported out of the forest to the processor.
  • Naturally grown poles are processed only by removing the outer shell. The shell can be then re-used (e.g. as bedding for chickens, etc.)

Material Properties

  • Scalability
  • Pliability
  • Robustness
  • No splintering
  • Air and light permeability
  • Lightweight

Circular Features

  • Low Carbon Emissions
  • Production ensures bio-diversified forests
  • By-products can be re-used (trimmed-off fibres can be re-processed)
  • No waste

Raw Materials

  • Ratan
  • Production by-products


  • Recyclable