Herso wood

  • Product Details
  • Additional Information

Herso wood is a circular material made from waste wood, including post-consumer wood. The innovative material reclaims discarded timber and repurposes it into flooring, walls and tables.

Production process

The material is acquired from wood waste present in many forms and remanufactured to make floors, walls & tables. Old connection holes, cable entries, slots & any cracks in the wood are filled with residual wood & resin. The floor is finished with LED oil. Softer and lighter types of wood that are unsuitable for floorboards are processed in wall parts.

The tables are finished with an environmentally friendly lacquer.

Material properties

No-Waste® Floor - The materials are derived from old window frames, doors, stairwells & floorboards. The floor parts are standard 14 cm working, 120 cm long & 15 mm thick. The residual wood & resin gives the wood a distinctive colour & pattern palette. The underlayer is glued with formaldehyde-free glue.

No-Waste® Wall - The materials are derived from spruce & pine beams procured from demolition waste. The wall is a collection of pieces of wood at fixed widths but different heights. 

Circular features

The products are FSC 100% recycled - certified (Forest Stewardship Council). 

Herso offers high-quality and durable products with a great appearance that also positively influences the environmental performance of a construction project.

Raw Materials

  • Wood waste



