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PHA - (Polyhydroxyalkanoate)

PHA (Polyhydroxyalkanoate), is a 100% biodegradable bioplastic made from renewable resources. The polymer is derived from the starch found in corn, potatoes, maize, tapioca root and vegetable oils. It is an emerging bioplastic that can be used in a wide range of applications to replace traditional petroleum-based plastics, these include straws, cups, lids, bottles, bags, utensils, diaper linings, plates, wipes, toys, garbage bags, seals, labels and glues.

PHA biopolymers can currently be broken down in industrial compost systems and work is underway to achieve home composability.

The material is a natural renewable-based bioplastic that can be used as a substitute for traditional Polypropylene (PP) and Polyethylene (PE. The material is quite versatile and ranges from being stiff and brittle to flexible.

Circular Features

Raw Material

The starch required to make PHA biopolymers are sourced from a variety of renewable natural plant-based resources.

Afterlife Solution

PHA Biopolymers are biodegradable and can be industrially composted.


As with any material, there are issues worth considering before selection, with starch-based biopolymers these are;

  • Raw materials for biopolymers are often sourced from mono-crops which can have a negative effect on the local environment over time.
  • Recent research into the toxicity of bioplastics versus traditional plastics has identified bioplastic to have a similar chemical composition as traditional plastics.
  • PHA biopolymers can cause contamination problems when recycled in traditional recycled mechanisms. This is a biodegradable material that needs to be processed correctly afterlife.
  • Careful consideration needs to be placed on the application of PHA to ensure it is used to its full potential.