Kimono Yarn

  • Product Details
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“kimonoyarn” is yarn made from discarded kimonos. The upcycled circular material is an excellent example of finding value in old and waste textiles. The yarn comes in a wide range of colours, patterns and material type, typically silk, hemp, cotton, wool, synthetic and mixed fibres.

Production Process

The process of creating Kimono yarn involves taking kimonos that are no longer worn or were thrown away or are sitting in a drawer and repurposes them into a yarn. The textile once repurposed has many applications and can be used to make handmade goods, such as knitting, weaving, or making accessories. 

Circular Properties

Kimono yarn embraces Circular Principles of designing out waste and the company wants to;

“ Convey our Japanese culture and also discover new good points of kimono through Kimonoyarn. Also, we will try to make a society without useless things by upcycling waste.”

Raw Materials

  • Worn and discarded Kimonos


Kimono Yarn