Algae Oil

  • Product Details
  • Additional Information

Algae oil is a biomanufactured, 100% bio-based oil extracted from algae.

The unique circular material is oxidatively stable and has a lower carbon footprint than petroleum or plant-based oils.

The oil is highly enriched with triolene, and designed to be homogenous and pure.

Production process

Checkerspot, the manufacturer of this oil, first models the organism on the computer, forming a part of the WING™ Platform’s workings. By modelling different species of microalgae, a fully sequenced microalgae genome can be made.

Specific genes identified in other organisms are looked for, which helps to identify the sequence of these genes in the microalgae, which ultimately allows the optimization of the genes that will produce the most efficient oil production.

Then the microalgal cells are input into fermentation tanks. The tanks are set up with the optimal temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen content so that the microalgae cells can multiply. Once in the tanks, they are fed sugars.

Soon, the microalgae cells fill up with oil through a series of biological processes.

Next, the algal biomass is dried by removing water & the oil is extracted.

Lastly, after extracting the oil, it is purified.

Material properties

The oil is 100% biobased & 100% petroleum-free. It is made from microalgae which have evolved to be tremendously efficient and productive at producing a diversity of oils. Anything that other plants and organisms do to make oil, microalgae can do better and faster. 

In order to pick the oil that optimizes the sought-after traits, the samples are analyzed & a consolidated profile is made. During the sample testing, triglycerides (also known as lipids or fats) are converted to different organic molecules called FAMEs (fatty acid methyl esters) by performing a chemical process called transesterification.

The FAMEs are then extracted & analyzed by gas chromatography.

Data is collected & a fatty acid composition profile is generated. This profile provides valuable information regarding the properties of the oil sample.

Circular features

Microalgae oil supplies one of the most sustainable triglyceride oils in the world, with a significantly lower carbon footprint than petroleum or plant-based oils. It has a definite potential to completely replace petroleum oil in applications like cosmetics, fashion, hygiene products, tyres, sports, etc.

The company, Checkerspot, is a certified B-corp.

Raw Materials

  • Algae

Afterlife Plan





Image source: Checkerspot