Ignorance is Bliss Ceramic tile

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Ignorance is Bliss Ceramic tiles is a circular material by Agne Kucerenkaite. Tiles are glazed using pigments made from industrial metal waste and currently are manufactured in the local factory in the Netherlands.

The research-based project utilizes industrial waste and secondary materials and converts them into interior and exterior products of higher value. Ignorance is Bliss is giving a new identity to waste and to the built environment, with empathy for planetary health.

Ignorance is Bliss projects primarily focus on industrial waste and by-products, as these are usually consistent, ensuring a reliable qualitative supply.

Production process

Ignorance is Bliss ceramic tiles are glazed using pigments solely derived from industrial metal waste and by-products. Usually, these metals would be mined and undergo excessive processing. The amount of waste in the glaze is up to 40%, as ceramic glazes are a combination of base transparent glaze and pigments.

Drinking water supply and soil remediation industries produce thousands of tonnes of residue per year and are the main suppliers of metal waste for these tiles. Metal waste is usually delivered as wet mud, similar to clay. No extraction is needed, but this sludge has to pass a process of preparation in order to be used as a pigment: drying, milling, and sieving. All the metal waste samples are tested in a certified lab to assess the full data of ingredients.

During the production process, each tile is touched by human hands around 9 times, leading to slight irregularities and subtle variations in shades. The collection has a distinctive look and feel and is intentionally formulated without poisonous lead and barium, which typically are common choices for bright colors.

In order to save energy, the focus is on the low-temperature firing of 1060 C versus high-temperature above 1200 C.

Material properties

The metal waste provided by the drinking water supply industries mostly consists of iron oxide and manganese oxide. There are small amounts of other metals, minerals, and organic materials present too. Iron is also predominant in waste from soil remediation.

Ceramics are colored by adding metal oxides as they must be able to withstand high temperatures without burning off. In this project, industrially made pigments are replaced with the ones derived from waste.

The tiles are available in 20 colors and can be customized too.

Circular features

The usage of metal waste, instead of virgin metal ore procured from the highly-polluting mining process, ensures a reduced carbon footprint of these tiles. Iron leftover from the drinking water supply industry is not toxic and can be used as a pigment in the textile industry too.

Designed with a responsibility to human and environmental health, Ignorance is Bliss ceramic tiles are on the way to becoming fully circular. The project is supported by the European Commission to implement green energy waste (wood ash) into ceramics. Additional minerals from the drinking water supply industries are being researched in order to replace conventional ceramic materials.

Raw Materials

  • Ceramic
  • Ceramic glaze made with pigments derived from industrial metal waste

Afterlife Plan

  • Designed for durability


Ignorance is Bliss